Would you like to help make DiskDigger available to even more people in need of recovering their files? Would you like to receive a lifetime license for the program? Do you speak a language besides English?
DiskDigger needs to be translated into as many languages as possible, so that it's accessible by as many people around the world as possible. If you speak any other language besides English (and the list of already-completed languages below), please consider helping the project by translating the text of the program into your language.
Simply download this Excel file that contains all the text used in DiskDigger. The spreadsheet contains a list of the phrases that appear in the program (in English), and a blank column for you to fill in the translation in your language. Translate all of the phrases, and email the completed file back to me!
Before you begin translating, keep the following in mind:
Here is what you will get in exchange for completing a translation: