This is the privacy policy for the website. (Looking for the privacy policy for the DiskDigger Android app?)
We do not request personal information unless it is necessary for the products or services that we are offering. This Privacy Policy discloses how information we do collect is used. Whenever possible, users have options that limit the use of their personal information.
While we collect some information from all visitors, most of this information is not personally identifiable or private information. The most basic pieces of information include the visitor's IP address, the browser and operating system identification, and the time and date. This is required in order to operate any website and prevent abuse.
In order for certain features to work correctly, the site may require visitors to allow cookies (both setting and sending). Part of the functionality of a cookie involves recording some user activity on this site (cookies cannot and do not collect information about any sites other than those operated by
While makes all reasonable efforts to protect personal information, there is no guarantee of privacy.
Our order process is conducted by our online reseller is the Merchant of Record for all our orders. Paddle provides all customer service inquiries and handles returns.
This site may display advertisements. Advertisements are often hosted by a third party. While makes every effort to ensure that advertising is reasonable and non-offensive, the third party advertiser is responsible for the content of the advertisements. Since visitors will see advertisements that the site owner can not, concerns may be reported using the contact form on this site.
Visitors' personal information collected here is not passed on without direct consent. User lists are never sold or passed on.
How we store information
Collected information is stored on the web server in files and databases and on backups which are made periodically. Private information, such as passwords, are encrypted or hashed to prevent unauthorized access.
Mailing lists
This site may operate a mailing list or newsletter which users have the choice of receiving or opting out of.
Responses to requests for information
If a user requests products or services from via the contact page or other methods, then that user's personal information is used to deliver the product or service and facilitate other related communication.
Statistics gathering
This site gathers information for the purpose of analyzing site performance and user engagement. Information used in these cases is used in aggregate and not intended to identify individual users. Third party software and services (such as Google Analytics or awstats) may be used to help in statistics gathering and analysis. These software and services may gather additional information and have their own privacy policies.
Analysis of Site Misuse or Abuse
Every website on the public Internet is exposed to numerous threats which intend to disrupt the services the site provides or use the resources of the server the site runs on for purposes other than those the legitimate owner intends. In defending the site against such attacks, it is often necessary to analyze server logs and other data gathered by the website. The intent of this analysis is to ensure correct operation for legitimate users but the data analyzed may include personal information which was gathered for purposes listed elsewhere in this document. As much as possible, this information is anonymized except in cases where the information is used to identify an attacker or site abuse.
This website has not been approached by the NSA to disclose any information about its users.